Getting older by play with / Spielend älter werden mit Wilda WahnWitz

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  • hochgeladen 8. März 2018

Do you laugh or are you scared maybe to death? Both reactions are possible but not the only ones I suppose.

The 3 minute turbo version of the legendary Getting older by play from Video der Generationen 2008 in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and the video community, cut for and shown at Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2009 making waves even to sao paolo, brazil. In slower motion seen by Milos Tomic, part of the jury of Filmwinter Stuttgart, Germany, 2009, it made him discover me as dancer for Blato by klopka za pionira. Part of the cult classic Psychedelic Fast Food Session by Wilda WahnWitz from 2006 in her rooms.

Herstellungsland: Deutschland
Regisseur: Wilda WahnWitz
Drehbuch: Wilda WahnWitz
Produzent: Wilda WahnWitz
Besetzung: Wilda WahnWitz

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